Central bearded dragon

Pogona vitticeps

Bearded dragon

Curious “dragonflies” with daily activity

Agamas are the favorite lizards of beginner terrariums. They are visually very attractive and their breeding is relatively undemanding. The previous owner was looking for a new home for them and we are glad that they found it with us. In the terrarium, they have their favorite heating and cooling place, they receive a fresh mix of salads daily and live food in the form of insects twice a week.

They have broad triangular head, round body, strong legs, and robust tails. Colour varies from brown, reddish brown, yellow, white, to orange. They are able to undergo slight changes in colouration. The scales on either side of the throat, neck, and head form a series of narrow spines that extend down each side of the body to the tail. Under the chin, there is an air sac that turns black if the individual feels threatened or excited.
Males can be distinguished from females by their wider cloacal opening, wider tail base, larger head and chin, and they also have more prominent femoral pores (appearing as waxy bumps on the underside of the hind legs).

Central bearded dragon

Pogona vitticeps

Bearded dragon

Curious “dragonflies” with daily activity

Date of hatching









30-45 cm, with tail


280-510 g


7-10 years


55-75 days


15-30 oval-shaped, sometimes more




insect, small rodents, lizards, plants, but also small fish


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Agamas are the favorite lizards of beginner terrariums. They are visually very attractive and their breeding is relatively undemanding. The previous owner was looking for a new home for them and we are glad that they found it with us. In the terrarium, they have their favorite heating and cooling place, they receive a fresh mix of salads daily and live food in the form of insects twice a week.

They have broad triangular head, round body, strong legs, and robust tails. Colour varies from brown, reddish brown, yellow, white, to orange. They are able to undergo slight changes in colouration. The scales on either side of the throat, neck, and head form a series of narrow spines that extend down each side of the body to the tail. Under the chin, there is an air sac that turns black if the individual feels threatened or excited.
Males can be distinguished from females by their wider cloacal opening, wider tail base, larger head and chin, and they also have more prominent femoral pores (appearing as waxy bumps on the underside of the hind legs).